Staying healthy during quarantine: 12 tips to maintain physical and mental health

The health crisis brought on by the coronavirus has prompted many countries to impose a quarantine to safeguard the health of their population. This confinement means we have to stay in our homes for longer than usual, which has put the act of staying healthy to the test, not only physically but mentally and interpersonally too, if we share a home with others.

However, looking on the bright side, it can also be an opportunity to acquire new knowledge, habits and improve interpersonal relationships.

Here are some tips to keep staying healthy or become healthier during this period:

  • Don’t smoke, as smoking increases the risk of developing a serious illness if you contract COVID-19. If you are a frequent smoker, consider using these housebound times to cut down.
  • Find the time and space to open up emotionally, expressing your feelings and concerns. Accept that we are experiencing a health crisis that affects us all, and that it is normal to feel fear or anxiety.
  • Maintain regular schedules and routines, dividing your time so as to perform scheduled tasks, but also eat and rest. If you must work from home, set time limits and follow them to avoid stress.
  • Establish a healthy and nutritious diet that provides you with the necessary vitamins and minerals to strengthen your immune system. If you’re not sure how this is done, you can get inspiration from nutrition specialists who produce digital content on Instagram and Youtube (steer clear of crazy diets that promise quick weight loss!)
  • If you telecommute, it is advisable to change positions and avoid sitting in front of the computer for long periods of time. It’s a good idea to stand up every half hour and stretch your muscles for a few minutes.
  • Moderate and filter the information you receive and share with others, confirming that it is from a reliable source so as not to worry your family or work colleagues any more than necessary.
  • Exercise is key to staying healthy. Find a physical activity that you can practice at home, from following a video of online exercises to dancing, practicing yoga or going up and down stairs, among others.
  • Try to reduce anxiety and uncertainty, and live one day at a time. Keep in mind that this health crisis will pass and that you and your family will have gained perspective from this experience.
  • Take the opportunity to disconnect from screens and mobile phones, and focus on other activities that you don’t usually have the time for, such as reading a book, painting, drawing, meditating or just taking a nap.
  • Supporting others in your community will make you feel personal satisfaction for collaborating with those most affected by this pandemic.
  • Enjoy family time – many will be in the company of their loved ones during confinement, and common activities can help them to share and have a good time together, including playing board games, watching a movie or show, cooking, and more.
  • Limit your alcohol consumption and avoid sugary drinks – being confined to your home can cause anxiety, which can lead to excessive alcohol consumption. This should be avoided since alcohol consumption negatively affects the immune system, and can trigger symptoms of depression.

Quarantine is not easy, and organising our daily activities exclusively from home can be overwhelming, but following these tips will help you stay healthy. And finally, remember to frequently wash your hands with soap and water to avoid contracting COVID-19.

Written by: Sherlock Communications