Influencer Marketing

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Influencer Marketing

You’ve probably heard of influencer marketing strategies, or seen one in action. Movie stars, sports celebrities and models have been acting as the mouthpiece of companies and brands for decades. But our experience has shown us that a lot has changed over the last couple of years. 

The communication industry has changed for good. We’ve witnessed the reduction of full-time staff journalists in Brazilian and Latin American publications, and many outlets now use contractors or freelancers, even influencer marketing agencies.

One of the main causes for this is the 24-hour news cycle era we live in. Nowadays, we have multiple sources of information at our disposal: news portals, digital magazines and newspapers, and social media. The latter is changing who these influencers are and how they are used in marketing. 

What is Influencer Marketing nowadays?

In its infancy, Instagram was merely a platform for sharing photos of moments of our lives. But some users did this so well that other people, unknown to them, began to follow their accounts. Noting this increase in audience share and engagement on these profiles, brands saw a new channel in which to carry out their advertising campaigns. 

It worked, and continues to work to this day. Why? Because followers genuinely interact and identify with these people, as if they were friends. This dynamic leads to a deep relationship of trust and admiration.

Conventional thinking often ties brands to big-name celebrities, which typically come with a high price tag, even though they may not have as much pull as up-and-coming social media influencers who have built a large following with high engagement in a niche industry. 

It’s a different relationship – influencers enjoy creating content that their followers care about. So they will review a brand or product, assessing whether the company in question represents a real interest to them and their followers before agreeing to work together.

Besides Instagram, influencer marketing strategies on YouTube, Twitter and TikTok have  increased considerably since the start of the pandemic. People began to spend more time online, with more time to create content on social media. 

According to Business Insider, investment in social media advertising is set to increase by US$ 15 billion in 2022 alone.

Check out some of our influencer marketing campaigns in Latin America

Finding the Right Influencer

At its essence, the job of a good Brazilian PR agency is to act as an advocate – developing and telling a client’s story in a way that communicates important messages on relevant platforms. 

We have extensive experience working with influencers from a variety of industries to promote brands. Our diverse contacts range from up-and-coming influencers to well-established names. 

We identify influencers and review both their background and following, ensuring they are the right fit. Ideal influencers will have a following that fits the target demographic of our client and has a reputation built on trust – meaning that their followers are loyal. 

We also evaluate the content of their posts to ensure that it’s not all brand representation and sales.

Identifying the right influencer isn’t all about the number of followers but about their reaction and engagement as they help make a brand feel relevant. They often share their own experiences and stories, going into details about the product and entertaining their followers while promoting the product very directly. 

Aligning the right brands with the right influencers creates synergy, amplifying both the brand and influencer, as they both attract publicity and benefit from the brand recognition and loyalty.

How we can help

Once we’ve identified the right people there are two ways to work with influencer marketing to promote a brand: paid and unpaid. Our digital marketing team has expertise in both.

Paid brand ambassadors can include a celebrity or a speaker at an event or a brand spokesperson with the relationship lasting the contracted period, but can also be a close relationship where both parties work on projects together. 

Unpaid brand ambassadors can promote the brand through word of mouth using whichever social media platform they use to influence. It’s a more fluid, informal relationship akin to being a brand advocate or enthusiast.

Whichever way the influencer and brand work together, part of the campaign strategy is developing a content campaign which creates connections and fosters engagement with influencers followers, the brand’s target market.

Examples include:

  • Writing a blog post or series together
  • Recording a video or podcast episode
  • Hold an webinar hosted by an influencer
  • Have the influencer at as brand ambassador or spokesperson at press conferences / events
  • Hold a live online Q&A with influencers followers
  • Run a contest with the influencer

Relevant, Interesting, Reliable

Our specialised team will identify the best methods for increasing credibility, awareness, and online presence for the brand, all of which lead to increased sales. Then, having established key performance indicators (KPI), we monitor and evaluate a campaign’s impact and success.

We take pride in our strong media relationships, based on the simple philosophy of always being relevant, interesting and reliable. We always certify that we have compelling answers to four basic questions:

  • Is this a genuinely newsworthy, topical story given the current news agenda?
  • What is different and interesting about the brand, product or services being announced?
  • How is it specifically relevant to my region?
  • How is this specifically relevant to my readership or sector?

By answering these questions, working closely with our clients and carefully selected influencers, we create tailored influencer marketing strategies to substantially amplify our client’s brand. 

We believe that our multi-talented bilingual team of digital marketing experts can define and build brands, launch new products, protect reputations and tell our clients story more effectively than anyone else.

FAQ about Influencer Marketing

In today’s digital age, influencer marketing has become an integral part of many businesses’ marketing strategies. However, as this marketing approach continues to evolve, it’s only natural for questions and uncertainties to arise. But we´re here to help. 

Here, we´ve compiled some of the most frequently asked questions about influencer marketing, offering insights and answers to help you navigate this dynamic and ever-changing landscape effectively. 

An influencer is someone who has gained a significant following and credibility within a particular niche or industry, typically on social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or X, and often create and share content related to their niche. 

Influencers are known for their ability to sway the opinions, behaviors and purchasing decisions of their followers due to their perceived expertise, authenticity, and relatability.

Their reach can come in various forms and sizes, ranging from hundreds of thousands or millions of followers to smaller, but highly engaged, audiences. 

Influencers can be categorized into various types based on different factors, such as follower count, content niche and platform preference, among others. Here are some common types of influencers:

Based on Follower Count

  • Mega-Influencers: They have massive followings, typically exceeding one million followers. This generally includes celebrities, athletes and well-known public figures.
  • Macro-Influencers: They have substantial followings, ranging from hundreds of thousands to a few million followers. These are often experts in a particular niche, such as beauty, fitness, or travel.
  • Micro-Influencers: They have smaller but highly engaged audiences, usually in the range of 10,000 to 100,000 followers. They are known for their authenticity and are often seen as relatable figures.
  • Nano-Influencers: They have the smallest followings, typically fewer than 10,000 followers. They often have a strong connection with their audience and are trusted for their recommendations.

Based on Content Niche

  • Vertical/Niche Influencer: These influencers focus on specific industries or topics, such as technology, gaming, food, or fashion. They are known for their expertise and credibility within their chosen niche.
  • Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs): KOLs are influencers who are recognized as experts or thought leaders in their respective fields. They are known for their knowledge and insights, making them influential figures.
  • Activists and Advocacy Influencers: These influencers are passionate about specific social or environmental causes and use their platforms to raise awareness and advocate for change.

Based on Other Preferences

  • Content Creators: They produce a wide range of content, including videos, blog posts and podcasts. While not all consider themselves influencers, their content can have a significant impact on their audience.
  • Local Influencers: These influencers are known within a specific geographic area or community. They are valuable for businesses targeting a local or regional audience.
  • Celebrity Influencers: Celebrities, such as actors, musicians and athletes, can also be considered influencers due to their large social media followings and potential to influence consumer behavior.

These are the most popular categories of influencers. It is important to note that these categories can overlap, and influencers may fall into multiple types. When working with influencers, brands and businesses need to choose influencers who align with their goals, target audience and marketing strategies.

The role of an influencer is to use their influence and reach to create authentic content that resonates with their audience and promotes the brand’s offerings. The nature of the relationship with the brand is often short-term or campaign-based. Additionally, businesses leverage influencers’ reach and credibility to choose influencers.

In contrast, brand ambassadors advocate for the brand over an extended period and their role involves embodying the brand’s identity and values, both online and offline, to foster brand loyalty and build a lasting connection with their audience. When looking for an ambassador, brands look for someone who aligns with the brand’s values and identity. 

Influencer marketing is a strategic collaboration between brands and individuals (influencers). Now, let’s look into how to start influencer marketing efforts and see what is involved in this process. 

1. Influencer Campaign Preparation

To select the right influencer for a campaign, brands first set their marketing objectives, such as increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or launching a new product. Then, a strategic plan is created outlining the campaign’s goals, target audience, budget and timeline.

The selection of an influencer is primarily based on content and audience alignment with the campaign goals and target demographics. Selection criteria may include follower count, engagement rates, content quality and relevance to the brand’s niche.

2. Influencer Campaign Execution

Influencers create content that showcases the brand’s products or services, normally in an authentic and engaging way. This content can take various forms, including Instagram posts, YouTube videos, blog articles, TikTok dances, or live streams. Usually, the brands review the influencer’s content to ensure it aligns with their brand messaging and guidelines and achieve the desired brand integration and message.

Once the content is published, it is expected that followers engage with the influencer’s content through likes, comments, shares and clicks on provided links, with the influencer actively interacting with their audience, responding to comments and fostering discussions about the promoted products or services.

3. Influencer Campaign Monitoring and Analysis

As with any marketing strategy, it’s essential to monitor the campaign’s performance using key performance indicators (KPIs) such as engagement rates, click-through rates, conversion rates and ROI. Both brands and influencers may generate reports summarizing campaign results and insights.

Influencer marketing is a dynamic and evolving strategy that leverages the authenticity and trust influencers have built with their audiences. Successful campaigns are those that resonate with the influencer’s followers, feel genuine and provide value to both the brand and the influencer’s audience.

If you’ve wondered how influencer marketing helps brands, the short answer is that it helps effectively promote products, services, or causes to their dedicated followers. However, influencer marketing has some additional and valuable benefits for brands: 

  • Trust and Credibility: It allows brands to tap into the credibility and trust that influencers have established with their dedicated audiences, making the marketing message more authentic and relatable. 
  • Increased Visibility and Potential Customer Acquisition: Influencer marketing extends the brand’s reach to a targeted and engaged demographic, increasing brand visibility and potential customer acquisition. 

Content Recycling: This content can be repurposed across various marketing channels, enhancing the brand’s overall content strategy.

Influencer marketing has the potential to increase sales, but its effectiveness in driving sales depends on various factors, including the campaign strategy, the influencer’s audience and the alignment between the influencer and the product or service being promoted.

Basically, this strategy can have a positive impact on sales but its effectiveness depends on the successful planning, development and execution of the specific campaign. 

The role of an influencer is to use their influence and reach to create authentic content that resonates with their audience and promotes the brand’s offerings. The nature of the relationship with the brand is often short-term or campaign-based. Additionally, businesses leverage influencers’ reach and credibility to choose influencers.

In contrast, brand ambassadors advocate for the brand over an extended period and their role involves embodying the brand’s identity and values, both online and offline, to foster brand loyalty and build a lasting connection with their audience. When looking for an ambassador, brands look for someone who aligns with the brand’s values and identity. 

Latin America has a rapidly growing social media landscape, with millions of users on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok. This presents a significant opportunity for brands to leverage influencer marketing to reach their target audiences.

According to the site Statista, influencer advertising spending in Latin America has not only risen but it´s further projected to keep this upward trend. 

So the short answer is: Yes! influencer marketing can be highly effective in Latin America. 

Measuring the effectiveness of influencer marketing is essential to understand the impact of campaigns and make data-driven decisions for future efforts. 

The selection of the specific metrics should be aligned with the campaign objectives. Common influencer marketing metrics include:

  • Engagement Metrics: Monitoring likes, comments, shares and overall engagement on the influencer’s posts. This indicates how well the content resonates with the audience.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Measuring how many users click on links or calls-to-action (CTAs) provided by the influencer to assess traffic generated.
  • Conversion Rate: Tracking the number of users who take desired actions, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter, as a result of the influencer’s promotion.
  • Reach and Impressions: Evaluating how many people were exposed to the influencer’s content.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): Calculating the ROI by comparing the revenue generated from the campaign to the total campaign cost.
  • Follower Growth: Monitoring any increase in social media followers, website subscribers, or email list sign-ups attributed to the campaign.
  • Social Media Insights: Many social media platforms offer analytics tools that provide detailed insights into campaign performance. These tools are utilised to track engagement, reach and follower demographics.
  • Google Analytics: Google Analytics is an effective tool to monitor website traffic, conversions and revenue generated from influencer-generated traffic. It allows for the identification of which influencer’s traffic is most valuable and which pages they visit.