On-page SEO

What is On-Page SEO?

Although a website is one of the most effective marketing tools at your brand’s disposal, it only makes an impact if that website is reaching the right target audiences. On-page SEO, or ‘search engine optimisation’, ensures that your site appears close to the top of search rankings when customers go looking in your sector of the market. It is essential for guiding potential customers towards your site and what it’s offering. Whether your business is new or established, a strong on-page SEO strategy is essential for growth.

Content-driven SEO is one of the cheapest, fastest ways to get a business up and running in a new market, with traffic to products via content sites three times more likely via direct search than via social media links. It’s also far ahead of paid ads or direct referrals.

The main legwork for an ecommerce site lies in building content around keywords and meta tags that get a lot of traffic. Beyond this, it’s about simplifying site architecture and pruning broken links or missing text so that search engines can effectively crawl your site. Since search traffic data is reliable, free, and fairly easy to get, tweaks to SEO strategy can increase precision in something approaching real time.

Why On-Page SEO is Important

With its large, fast-growing, and increasingly online population, Latin America is a priority market for e-commerce. This is ever more true since the beginning of the pandemic. More trustworthy payment methods and store pickup options have convinced a historically reluctant consumer sector to do more of their shopping online.

But entrepreneurs need to keep region-specific challenges in mind if they’re to make the most of an opportunity whose time seems to have come. Businesses who dedicate time and investment to on-page SEO services are amply placed to take advantage, while those without will fall behind.

On-Page SEO vs. Off-Page SEO

Before talking about how on-page SEO works, it’s important to distinguish on-page and off-page SEO. Off-page SEO refers to all the efforts taken outside of your website to improve its search engine rankings. 

Not all of these elements will come under the control of your business. That’s why the help of an experienced and regionally focused SEO team can make all the difference. 

How On-Page SEO Works

On-Page SEO refers to all practices that make your web page rank higher on search engine results pages. This ranking depends on what Google finds when it crawls your page’s content. Relevant, authoritative, and clearly written content helps pages to boost traffic and engagement, but optimisations that streamline a site’s HTML source code are also important.

Google’s plethora of complex algorithms can now anticipate what users are actually searching for when they type a query, then produce searches which match that intent. Thinking these two or three steps ahead when producing content on your web page is now more essential than ever.

The choice and location of your page’s keywords is a primary consideration here. Putting content keywords in headlines and titles rather than just in the body of the text helps a lot, as does hyphenating them in your URLs.

Where there’s a clear match between your site’s content and somebody’s search, your page will move up the search rankings. Specific, authoritative content aimed at the kind of customers you are hoping to attract is one useful SEO technique here.

Finding the right content angle, whether in the form of a how-to, a recipe, a listicle, or a blog post will align your content with the needs and expectations of people searching near or within your niche of the market. Checking Search engine results page elements like the snippets bar and ‘People also ask’ bars will allow you to harvest strong, specific keywords to feed into your site’s original content.

High-quality, original content is favoured by Google’s algorithms, so writing compelling headlines with concise, relevant content in an active voice that appeals directly to readers will lift your page above the herd here. Using header tags make your content easier and more enjoyable to read. When this is kept in mind, users will be less likely to leave your site, and will even return to keep viewing your content.

SEO strategies extend beyond on-site content and into the architecture of the site itself. Large fonts, short sentences and brief paragraphs create more hooks for people skim-reading your page.

The more streamlined your site, the faster it loads – and a fast load time is important: well over half of all Internet users navigate away from a site if it takes longer than three seconds to appear, especially on mobile. This is an important consideration when it comes to breaking up walls of text with images. Photos need to be of high quality, but it’s important to compress them so that they will appear quickly.

The parts of your website which are visible only to search engines, such as HTML tags and structured data, also need attention. The HTML tag in the head section of your website is the first cue that search engines will pick up on.

The next is your site’s meta description, a tag that describes what the page is about. These appear just beneath the title of your page on the search engine results page. The clearer the description, the more prominently your page will appear, boosting your click-through and conversion rates.

To increase user engagement, focus on aspects such as site speed, user experience, and content optimization, among others. Clean, navigable site architecture allows Google’s algorithm to move more quickly and neatly through your page, in turn moving the site further up the search results. If content moves, use a 301 redirect for a permanent move, and a 302 redirect for a temporary one during site updates.

SEO in Latin America

Latin America is the world’s fastest growing region for e-commerce. The big winners from this moment have been the ‘big beasts’ like Amazon, Mercado Libre, and Mercado Livre, with their strong SEO and logistics.

The fragmented, competitive market is in a prime moment for e-commerce merchants. Internet penetration in Latin America has never been higher, with four out of five Argentines and Ecuadorians online, along with almost two thirds of the Brazilian and Mexican population.

Venezuela and Colombia are close behind, at almost 60% each. As of January 2020, 418 million potential e-commerce users were online across 16 countries in the region. The covid-19 pandemic has accelerated this growth, with a rise of around 20% in online sales. The spike shows no sign of slowing, with mobile subscriptions in Latin America expected to rise to 484 million users by 2025

The pandemic has done much to erode historic hesitancy around online buying. But the average Latin American e-commerce user has specific preferences that merchants investing in SEO would do well to keep in mind when it comes to winning trust and giving buyers a smooth, mobile-friendly online experience.

Online buyers in Latin America

The average online buyer in Latin America tends to use Android over iOS, by a margin of about 80%, and they don’t spend much time window-shopping online. Almost half of all Internet users in Latin America never go past page one of the Google search results, with almost 20% never looking past the top three results, even if they’re just ads (Source: Statcounter). Making sure your brand name is at the very top of the first or second page of the Google search results, then, is paramount here.

Content that works at pulling in a consumer in the US mightn’t work in Latin America. Blogging and review sites are the top draws for US buyers, but market research shows that consumers in Chile, for example, are particularly sceptical towards this kind of content, whereas an average of seven out of ten buyers across Latin America favour review sites, even as they eschew blogs.

Across the region, e-commerce users tend to trust articles more than adverts or social media posts. Where this content is tied to a news hook, this will often be what wins over a buyer who is on the fence in Mexico, Brazil, or Peru, particularly if the topic relates to technology. Content-driven SEO, then, is vital for deepening trust within this burgeoning regional market.

In short, a synergy between SEO and e-commerce is vital for anyone entering Latin American markets — and there has never been a better time for doing so. The winners of the early race for dominance in the region’s e-commerce market may have been the usual dominant players, but the future belongs to e-commerce merchants who can match their SEO with a mobile-friendly user interface and content that Latin American online buyers will trust.

What We Can Do

We at Sherlock Communications are a digital marketing agency with a team of specialists that can help you develop on-page seo techniques to boost your ranking. Our extensive research includes our SEO Report, and guides a whole raft of on-page SEO techniques that will meet your needs as a company.

We support international companies that are seeking to make a mark in Latin America. Our international SEO services will efficiently optimise your website so that search engines can easily identify which countries you want to target and which languages you use for business. We will work closely with your brand to develop a tailored SEO strategy aimed at generating new leads and brand awareness in Latin America.

Because Latin America is forecast to account for 10% of all new mobile subscribers globally by 2025, mobile SEO is increasingly important for brands looking to reach target audiences on the go in the region. We use the best practices combined with unparalleled regional expertise to get platforms on the right search engines results pages, with flawless viewing on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

Our on-page SEO experts will use SEO strategies such as keyword analysis and SEO competitor research to help put your business in front of the right customers at the right time, and stand out from your competition, no matter what the keywords or search engine. Get in touch today to increase your business visibility online, so more people can find out about your brand.

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FAQ about On-Page SEO

We’re here to help you understand the ins and outs of this crucial aspect of digital marketing. If you still have questions about On-Page SEO, you’ve come to the right place.

We understand the importance of monitoring your website’s On-Page SEO performance. To check this, there are a few steps you can take. First, you can use online tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights or Moz’s On-Page Grader to analyze your pages. Additionally, you can manually review each page’s title tags, meta descriptions, heading tags, keyword usage and internal linking. Regularly auditing and optimizing these elements will help improve your On-Page SEO.

When it comes to On-Page SEO, several factors play a crucial role in optimizing your website. These include:

  • Keyword Optimization: incorporating relevant keywords naturally into your content, titles and meta descriptions.
  • High-Quality Content: creating valuable and engaging content that addresses users’ needs and provides answers to their questions.
  • Title Tags and Meta Descriptions: writing compelling and descriptive title tags and meta descriptions that encourage click-through rates from search results.
  • Header Tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.): structuring your content with clear and hierarchical header tags to improve readability and SEO.
  • URL Structure: using descriptive and concise URLs that include relevant keywords and make it easy for both users and search engines to understand your content.

There are several effective techniques you can use to enhance your On-Page SEO:

  • Optimize Images: compress and properly name images using relevant keywords to improve page load times and enhance user experience.
  • Mobile-Friendly Design: ensure your website is responsive and mobile-friendly, as Google considers mobile compatibility a ranking factor.
  • Internal Linking: create internal links between relevant pages on your website to help users navigate and distribute link equity effectively.
  • External Linking: link to credible and authoritative external sources that provide additional value to your readers.
  • Page Speed Optimization: improve page load times by minimizing code, leveraging browser caching and optimizing images.
  • Schema Markup: implement schema markup to provide search engines with more context about your content, increasing the chances of rich snippets in search results.

On-Page SEO analysis involves a comprehensive review of individual web pages to assess their optimization for search engines. This analysis includes evaluating elements such as keyword usage, meta tags, heading structure, content quality and user experience. By identifying areas for improvement and addressing them, you can enhance your page’s visibility in search engine results and attract more organic traffic.

Absolutely! Improving the SEO of existing pages is a valuable strategy. By conducting a thorough On-Page SEO analysis of your current content, you can identify areas that need optimization. This might involve updating outdated information, refining keyword usage, enhancing meta tags and improving overall content quality. Making these optimizations can lead to better search engine rankings and increased organic traffic.

The time it takes to see the impact of your On-Page SEO efforts can vary. Generally, it’s not an immediate process as search engines need time to crawl and index your updated content. You might start noticing improvements within a few weeks to a few months, depending on factors like the competitiveness of your industry, the quality of your optimizations, or the frequency of search engine crawls.

Structured data, also known as schema markup, helps search engines understand the content and context of your web pages. By implementing structured data, you can enhance your search listings with rich snippets, which can improve click-through rates and provide users with more information about your content.

Absolutely. High-quality and relevant content remains a fundamental aspect of on-page SEO. Not only does it engage users and provide value, but it also allows you to incorporate target keywords naturally, improve your site’s authority and attract valuable inbound links from other websites.