App Store Optimization (ASO)

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With the significant increase in mobile access all over the world and in all categories of websites, the rise of applications is an unstoppable reality. Although the mobile version of your website offers good navigation for your user, having an application can be a crucial differentiator between your experience and the content of your competitor – that is why we have the App Store Optimization.

If you have an app or intend to create one for your business, we will give you access to the best information and best practices about ASO (App Store Optimization). This environment is really competitive and demands attention from marketing professionals since the apps integrate the planning of actions to increase engagement and promote customer loyalty.

What is App Store Optimization?

Do you know what ASO is? Basically, these are app optimization techniques for app stores. For those who are already familiar with digital marketing, ASO can be compared to SEO – Search Engine Optimization. Do you know when you search on Google, and it offers you a catalog of possible answers? This is SEO. This logic also applies to ASO.

With the same objectives as the SEO activities, the App Store Optimization service consists of a set of techniques that aim to take applications to the best organic positions in their stores. Thus generating more performance, revenue and business.

These techniques will ensure that your app is highlighted and the downloads increase, making it appear to users as the most relevant result when they search the Play Store and App Store.

However, before anything else, it is necessary to understand that the user does not behave the same way when doing a Google search and when searching for an app. For example, search intents are an important aspect of this differentiation.

Some differences between SEO and ASO

When we talk about conventional research, most of the time they are the starting point of a discovery journey to be traced by the user. As for apps, these discoveries happen at different times. In the ranking of ways in which apps are discovered, traditional search engines are not at the top of the list.

To begin, we have been browsing the app stores as the main source of discovering new apps. While Google searches are made using longer sentences, in an app store they have a maximum of 2 or 3 words.

If your app doesn’t rank well in the app store, it will hardly be found by people and your conversion rate will drop. That is why you can increase your app’s visibility through App Store Optimization – specially with research and insight to improve your downloads.

The level of commitment of a user is different when doing research in an app store and in a search engine. Owning an app on your mobile is a more significant decision than simply consuming content that will not leave any traces or consume storage space.

As link building is important for SEO, app developers who are familiar with these practices often assume the same is true with app store optimization – used to improve the tools of ASO.

If you want to get users and grow in Latin America, for example, you definitely need this tool, which is becoming more popular every day and is essential for any company that wants to be successful in the world of applications.

One of the main points in an SEO strategy is the use of keywords. ASO also uses the logic of the best practices indicated to increase the visibility of your application in an organic way, in environments that are not the search engines, but the App Stores.

How does ASO increase the visibility of my app?

Using the techniques of App Store Optimization, you will increase your app’s chances of getting more users, and consequently, the number of downloads.

ASO allows optimization of both on-page and off-page factors, such as app name, description, screenshots, keywords and ratings. These are some of the factors that impact the App Stores algorithm.

It also allows your company’s app to be found by users who don’t know they need your tool — until they see the option and discover that this is the best solution at that time.

With satisfied and engaged users, loyalty is easier. Over time, your company will become a benchmark in the niche in which it operates, and the customer will always turn to your application before seeking solutions in other channels and with other companies.

App Store Optimization tips to get better rankings

To give your app a prominent place in the rankings, you need to work on the positioning factors mentioned below:

You need to remember that the logo is the face of your app and, in a way, your brand. It will be your user’s first contact with the app – visualized even before the title is read, and it is important to create it according to some practices: it needs to be clean, having your brand colors and avoiding texts inside the icon.

Another important point is the use of images. It is mainly through images that users make the decision to download or buy an app. Knowing this, it is extremely important that your choice of images is based on what your audience wants to see.

A great keyword research and a solid list of top keywords are also critically important factors in the success of your ASO strategy – so your target audience can find your app in their store searches.

The description of your program and the user ratings are important factors for your strategy. It is within the description that we can, after a first contact with the user, talk more about the application’s features, and it makes it easier for the customer to find the app. Reviews give more credibility and elevate the concept of your application, both for the user and the algorithm.

You also need to connect with your target audience. Message development is one of the key pillars in this process – you can count on an app store optimization agency and app store optimization consultants to help you with this process.

A successful app can do extremely well. If you do not know where to start and need help, we at Sherlock Communications can assist your company to get better rankings on the App Stores.

We have the necessary tools to provide the support and insight that your brand needs to execute its business strategy. We can increase your app’s organic growth and help you achieve your objectives.