Public Relations Campaigns

Sherlock Communications > Latest Posts > What We Do > Public Relations Campaigns

Why is planning so important in the public relations process?

Why is planning so important in the public relations process? Well, planning is a necessary strategy to obtain results in any area - especially Public Relations, which works to maintain the image of the company, as well as that of people on the market according to the message they want to convey. Planning each and...
September 1, 2023
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Sherlock Communications strategies to increase Pimp my Carroça’s brand awareness

There is no doubt we are facing an unprecedented situation around the world, and while we cannot be around people right now, that doesn’t mean we can’t be close. As we know, not everyone…

April 29, 2020
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#AbraceDaí campaign by Sherlock Communications and Abraço Cultural supports refugees in Brazil amid the Covid-19 crisis

A hug has power. The power to welcome, comfort, transform and, at times, even heal. The spread of Covid-19 in Brazil has led to a period of social distancing, to preserve our health and that of our families…

April 24, 2020
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