Micro-influencer marketing: is it the best choice for your company?

Influencers have become the protagonists of social networks and the formula for success for brands to whom they grant visibility and followers. These days, when virtuality is the safest and most effective scenario for acquiring products and services, including them in your business strategy can be an excellent alternative.

Several options are available to access this type of strategy and to identify the one which best suits your company or brand, and it is essential to analyze the positioning objectives and the profile of the consumers that you wish to capture. In some cases, micro-influencer marketing can be an alternative that yields excellent results.

But who are micro-influencers? They are individuals with profiles on the main social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or Tik Tok; who have less than 10K followers; and who are linked to brands or causes they believe in. Below, we highlight three characteristics of micro-influencer marketing so that you can identify if it is the best choice for your company:

1. Budget

You can find micro influencers on all social networks, and they are generally much more flexible towards set campaign costs than an influencer with a greater number of followers. This means that you can reach agreements in which you acquire a greater number of publications or mentions for your brand, according to the scope and the result; and that, on top of everything else, you can agree on the exchange of products or services as a form of payment.

2. Connected followers

As micro-influencers are regular people like you or me, consumers and users can identify with the content they generate or the experiences they broadcast in their publications, which may seem more attainable to ordinary people. If your brand is in the process of consolidation and still does not have strong consumer recognition, this type of marketing presents an excellent alternative as it generates close interaction with users, who resolutely trust the profiles they follow – and also because it grants you feedback on how the brand or company is perceived, and what you can do to improve.

3. A win-win

Although micro-influencers have a significant number of followers, they are still in the process of consolidation within the great universe of social networks, so they are more open to growing with a brand. This means that if your company is starting to position itself and can establish a relationship with an influencer who is also growing, in the future the relationship can bear fruit for both of you.

Keep in mind…

However, like everything in life, this type of marketing also has a couple of aspects that should be scrutinized with a magnifying glass before beginning any campaign on social networks. For starters, while micro-influencers are more accessible in terms of budget and connect deeply with their followers, they don’t have the same reach as an influencer with more followers. So if your goal is to reach a much more robust market, perhaps the best option is to develop a plan with celebrities or much more recognized influencers, because despite having to set a much larger budget, it would be a sure thing.

It is also essential to carefully review who you are planning to partner with. Start by identifying a micro-influencer who feels, lives, and understands your brand and who delivers genuine value. It is not a decision that you can take lightly, you should look at the content they generate, the reviews of their followers and the way in which you do your job because your plans will fall by the wayside if you make the wrong decision.

So, if you’re reading this article and thinking that this type of strategy is the right one for you, jump into the adventure of micro-influencer marketing. Remember, if you still feel like you need a helping hand to help you develop a strategy or even handle negotiations, at Sherlock we can help you – you just have to get in touch.

Written by: Paola Barrera