5 reasons why influencer marketing is effective

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This strategy can bring great results for brands looking to trend on social media.

Influencers may be identified by the thousands of followers on their social media channels, and their daily posts, interaction-seeking stories and live broadcasts. But in reality, they are much more than that. You can see it every day in their interactions on social media. I’m sure you follow more than one. 

It’s not just about posting, but rather creating content which captures interest in a topic, and being strategic. It’s not a straightforward process, causing many people to wonder why influencer marketing is effective. 

According to a Nielsen study, 9 out of 10 people trust an individual face more than a brand – suggesting that in some cases, word of mouth may be more effective than traditional advertising. Positioning is key. For example, digital influencers in Brazil are highly valued in the region according to a survey of ours, in which 56% of respondents said they trust influencers’ messages.

In this article, we examine the powerful reasons to consider influencer marketing in your digital strategy, and the great benefits it can bring to your business. If you decide to work with influencers, it pays to seek advice from a dedicated communications agency. Checking the follower count is not enough; identifying who has the most reach among your target audience, and whose reputation is the right fit for you, is equally important.  

Who are influencers?

The clue is in the name: an influencer is someone who influences their followers through their opinions and  credibility on a specific topic, often persuading them to take action, from following brands to deciding to buy a product or service. Influencers fall into a number of different categories.

Firstly, celebrities have many  followers on social media due to their fame and profession (i.e. TV hosts, actors and athletes). Celebrities have millions of followers and are always in the news, but despite their potential reach and attractiveness as a partner, it pays to analyse how they fit in with your budget, messaging and target audiences before committing to working with them.

Social media influencers are digital natives who have become well-known for their content, which is created exclusively for publication on social media and digital platforms. They are often experts on specific topics, and provide useful information for their followers, providing added value for brands. This knowledge can make all the difference, since reaching a niche market can be extremely effective for certain campaigns.

Los influencers pueden contar su propia experiencia con los productos.

Finally, micro influencers have accounts with around 10,000 followers on social media — mainly Instagram, where they can redirect followers to external websites via their stories. Working with several micro-influencers may be preferable to betting on one celebrity, since the former tend to influence a much more active and united community. It all depends on what you are hoping to achieve with your marketing strategy.

Why is influencer marketing effective? Before we seek to answer this question, let’s examine in further detail this method, which is used so often these days.

Influencer marketing: keys to this strategy

Influencer marketing is a communications strategy that seeks to get a brand’s message across to a specific audience through influencers, who are seen as opinion leaders on social media. Brands seek to associate with these people to increase their visibility, but it is not only about having a large following – there are other factors to analyse.

Make sure to check thoroughly whether they are the right person to spread your message. Check their background, and whether they have been involved in public scandals or negative news stories. Also verify that their followers are real, and not bots, and consider their links with the target audience you are trying to reach (i.e. gender, age, etc). 

Consider whether the content they create is compatible with what the brand is looking to achieve. Influencers will usually create the message in their own style, so as not to lose or dilute their identity, and so that it does not feel like forced advertising. Engagement with their followers remains the most relevant point to consider. 

How to measure the effectiveness of influencer marketing?

Through statistics provided by social media, you can gauge an influencer’s  engagement with their followers: how many likes and comments a post got, and how many times it was shared. Professional accounts provide additional relevant data, such as time spent watching videos, reproductions and other statistics that help to determine whether a post or campaign was a success.

Establishing clear KPIs from the start is key to any marketing strategy. Make use of Google Analytics to determine clicks on a URL, as well as social media stats, trending hashtags and mentions. Also key is the number of conversions, i.e. how many views and visits are converted into purchases or sign-ups.

Why is influencer marketing effective?

According to a 2021 report conducted into media consumption in Latin America by our agency, Latin Americans trust influencers and consider them a relevant source, especially in Brazil (where 59% of respondents say they trust influencers), Mexico (48%) and Peru (48%).

Meanwhile, in Chile the level of trust in influencers and their messages on social media sits at 39%, compared to 37% in Colombia and in 36% in Argentina

Here are five reasons why influencer marketing is effective:

  • Positive messages reach a wider audience, benefiting the reputation of the partner brand or company.
  • Increased brand awareness. For new companies, influencer marketing serves to position the brand so it is easily remembered by potential consumers. Visibility is key when entering a new market.
  • Increased conversion of visits into purchases of services or products. This marketing strategy also provides brands with qualitative traffic.
  • Influencers have very committed followers who can be very specifically targeted. These followers are typically millennials or Gen Z, and tend to have purchasing power and regular consumption habits.
  • Reduced costs. If the strategy is well designed and the KPI’s are clearly defined, you can expect to see results without a great deal of investment. 

Having reviewed why influencer marketing is effective, check out our blog if you are looking for more tips on marketing or public relations. Here you’ll find a wide range of related topics that can help you get to know the different markets in Latin America, the effects of social media today, and the difference between SEO and SEM.

Written by: Angelo Torres