Organic traffic: how can your company succeed?

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There are many ways to obtain traffic for your website, which is essential if you want to boost your audience and conversions. Today we will explain how companies can attract organic traffic, one of the most affordable and effective methods to thrive online.

What is organic traffic?

Organic traffic is when people arrive on your digital platform by searching a keyword on Google or another search engine. This can happen any time of the day on any day of the week, without the need to pay out money or program an ad calendar. People usually do this when they are searching for a quick solution to their needs, so this is the best time to offer answers by means of quality content, products and services.

But don’t get us wrong, the absence of money doesn’t mean the absence of investment. To obtain traffic spontaneously, you need to have patience to build a website that offers a good user experience and develop a content strategy that answers all (or almost all) of your audience’s doubts. When you provide all of that, it is more likely that Google recommends you instead of your competitors.

Other types of traffic

Not only are there many ways to generate traffic, but there are many types of traffic according to Google Analytics:

  • Paid traffic: people that arrive at a website or a social network by clicking on an ad or a sponsored link.
  • Direct traffic: when someone types a website directly into the internet browser. It also can be considered as organic traffic, since you don’t need to pay for people to access your website spontaneously. In this case, people usually already know the business or brand they are looking for.
  • Referral traffic: a user arrives at a website by clicking on a link on a previous website (not a social network or search engine). This traffic is usually obtained by link building strategies. It also helps to inform what other brands are saying about your company.
  • Social traffic: any traffic that comes from a social network.
  • Email traffic: when people arrive on a website by clicking on links listed on email marketing campaigns or newsletters.
  • Others: traffic that is not identified by any of the options above or organic traffic.

Here is a good tip

When working with diverse digital platforms, it is important to use URL parameters, also known as “query strings”, where you can add information to identify the origin of traffic from a particular URL. You can also identify other aspects, such as a marketing campaign.

Why invest in organic traffic

If you are looking for reasons to invest in organic traffic, we’ve prepared a list of positive aspects to this approach. At the same time, you also should be aware that patience and dedication will be needed as building a solid organic audience takes time and tons of work.

  • Cost-benefit: paid traffic will only give you results if you are paying for a campaign. But, if you work with organic strategies, your contents will always be available for your audience, as long as they are online. You can also combine paid with organic tactics to decrease the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC).
  • Scalability: the amount of readers will increase everyday if content is helpful and interesting. Besides that, the more visits you have, the higher the position of your website on the SERP (search engine results page) will be. 
  • Relevance: Google is honest with people. It shows them when the top result of a search is an ad. This does not happen when you organically earn the right to be at the top of the page by promoting relevant content – it gives much more confidence to users than that of a paid link.
  • Perpetuation: high quality and constantly updated content will always attract people. But, you must know that it takes time to build a solid audience, so you have to be really patient when dealing with organic traffic.
  • Customer relationship: people who access content for free are there because they want to be, so they are more likely to bond with a brand over time, especially if it constantly shares new information. You can also make different kinds of content according to your inbound marketing strategies.

Strategies to generate organic traffic

1. Audience

For content to be relevant it needs to resonate with the target audience. For this reason, you should identify and deeply study your public before writing content. Discover people’s needs, desires and interests and transform all the information you have about them into high-quality content.

2. SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a group of techniques aimed to help Google algorithms understand the architecture and information of a website. The more readable, clear and accessible your website is, the easier it will be for Google to crawl its pages and consider them relevant enough to index and recommend on the users searches. 

Sharing a good written article is not enough. You need to apply:

  • Technical SEO – deals with the site navigation.
  • On-page SEO – deals with content production.
  • Off-page SEO – deals with link building strategies. 

3. Keyword research

The keyword research is the first of your SEO strategies. Keywords are terms people use to search for a solution, a product, a service or a brand. Through them, Google is able to identify which websites can answer the users’ questions. 

Now, you should ask yourself: which keywords and subjects do my audience usually search for?

4. Content marketing

With the target and keywords in mind, you can start to produce content. A good tip is to observe how your competitors approach the same themes. The best solution is to write a longer and more complete article than them, because Google will rank the contents according to its relevance and quality.

That’s why you should always update all your content according to your surroundings, because someone can write an article even more impeccably than yours. And there is more to add: if your content is out of date, people will not trust your business.

You can also create different formats of content, such as blog posts, infographics, podcasts, videos, email marketing and e-books.

5.Digital platforms

Another organic traffic strategy is to spread links to your content through different digital channels, including social media. People spend a lot of time on social networks, which is a good opportunity to attract visitors to your website. 

6. User experience

Last but not least organic traffic strategy is the user experience. This is one of the most important elements to consider when building and maintaining a website or e-commerce. Things such as responsive pages, site performance, accessibility and friendly URLs can’t be put aside.

Written by: Beatriz Abdalla